Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Journal 15

The overall message is that you souldn’t pressure somebody into doing they might not want to do. It could end in a tradgy.
"But don't you see, dearest," she said, "that it wouldn't have come to this if it hadn't been in the order of Providence? And I call any war glorious that
is for the liberation of people who have been struggling for years against the cruelest oppression.”
"But now it doesn't matter about the how or why. Since the war
has come, all that is gone. There are no two sides any more. There is nothing now but our country."
“But I think we had better emphasize your meaning that if we cannot be one in everything we had better be one in nothing. So I am sending these things for your keeping till you have made up your mind.”

The tactics Editha used are with his feelings by saying that she will not marry him unles he goes to war, she uses new reports and propaganda, and she uses God by saying God meant it to be war.

Editha did have a moment when she truly understood what she did. She now realizes that she sent her husband into war where she could lose him. Editha also realizes that she lost her pride and joy, with also losing her husband from staying home with her. Editha still thinks she did the right thing though. Editha does experience an epiphany. The epiphany occurs when she heard her husband died in war and also when she visit his mother and hears what she had to say.

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