Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Journal 21

The movie, Some Like It Hot, is similar to The Great Gatsby because of characterization and theme. Joe and Gatsby are the same. They both change their names. Sugar is the same as Daisy. Jerry is the same as Nick because they are both are sidekicks. They both do something to benefit a friend. Osgood is like Tom because he is the rich guy, doesn’t have to do anything. Spats is like Wolfshien or Gatsby because they both are gangster and sell drugs and alcohol.
Themes are love/romance/marriage (same a Gatsby), crime/morality in both movies, and money/social class.  Some Like It Hot is different because of the conflict. Conflict in the movie is the both guys have to worry about their life and when they get to Florida it becomes a romantic comedy. Both stories have love triangle, a romantic conflict. The conflict in the Great Gatsby is about the love triangle between Gatsby, Tom, and Daisy and the love triangle between Tom, Martle, and George. The movie is saying about the American Life is about how money and social class is important. Also about the attitudes about the social class and how they viewed the poor. The book is saying about the American Life is that you do whatever it takes to get ahead. 

Journal 20

In the last passage of The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald used many means of symbolism and imagery. The first thing he used imagery for was Gatsby;s house. He described it as a lonely big house that was empty after Gatsby's death. One thing that used symbolism and imagery on the most was the green light. The green light was a light that was across Daisy's house. Another symbolism he used was that of making a connection between Gatsby and the Dutch Sailors who discovered Long island. The connection he made was that that both built themselves up to accomplish something. The Dutch sailors built themselves up and became prosperous on the land they came on. Gatsby also built himself up from nothing to accomplish something. He wanted to have a love with Daisy. Nick using the dutch connection as a symbolism for Gatsby's life.

Journal 19

Nick Carraway: An adjective the describes Nick is tolerant. He was the one everyone would go to for their problems. He knew everything that was going on. He was very polite to everybody, which is why they told him their problems. The book doesn't describe his appearance because he was the one that was telling us about everything in the book.
Tom Buchanan: An adjective that describes Tom is conceited. His appearance is that he is very strong and frightening. Tom was very aggressive with everyone, especially Daisy. He was very untrustworthy to many people. Tom was also a very wealthy man.
Daisy Buchanan: An adjective that describes Daisy is capricious. Her appearance was that she was very loved by many of the men. She was a very social person and depended on her social life. Daisy loved the idea that she was among that many of the rich folks.
Jordan Baker: An adjective that describes Jordan is self-centered. She is self-centered because she thought her self during her time as a competitive golfer. Her appearance is described as beautiful with the dark brown hair. She knew a lot all of the other characters and their secrets. Jordan had a very cunning personality.
Jay Gatsby: An adjective that described Gatsby is mysterious. His appearance is described as a young and handsome man. He was very wealthy and throw many parties to show it off. Even though he thew these parties, he always kept to himself. He wanted one thing and that was the have Daisy love him.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Journal 18

1) The significance of the title is shows someone being an outside. When he tries to learn Italian, he thinks it is easier but when the grammar comes along it is a lot harder. Even in rehabilitation, people think it is going to easy but when he comes to the actually rehabilitation it become harder. There are in Italy and they are all outsiders because of their injuries. They are outsiders because of their rank and how they are officers.
2) The character who represents “Hemingway Hero” is the major because he has a hard life. His hand was injured and he lost his wife. He deals with the most suffering and about his anger and resentment. He realizes his hand isn’t going to get better and even though losing his wife was hard, he is trying to fight hard to get over it. The major’s injury is a result of fighting and the narrator’s injury wasn’t all that big because he was hurt because he was American. The major has an emotional wound and a physical wound.
3) The photographs are fake and are not direct proof that these machines work. They are more of motivation things for the guys. The major’s reaction he that he looks at the window instead of the photos. He doesn’t have any hope and he doesn’t really focus on what the doctors gives he. He goes to isolation and he is focuses elsewhere. He is focused on the suffering and lost.

Journal 17

1) The significance of the poem’s epigraph is that because no one really returns from hell, he can share he story. Being someone with no self-confindence, he doesn’t want to share he story. Though he shares his story because he thinks no one is going to read it. He describes himself because he thinks he is talking to him self.

2)Do I?
Shall I?
Do I dare disturb the universe?
How should I presume?
How should I begin?
Shall I part my hair behind?
Do I dare eat a peach?
These questions have a theme about them, which is doubt, uncertainty, anxiety. These questions are questions he asks himself on a daily bases.

3) His main flawor problem is that he is a background character, comes off as foolish and dull, adviser to the prince, showing good judgement, and very cautious. He is fulled with anixey and self-doubt. His problem is low self-asteem.

4) This is called a love song because it is ironic. It ionic because he is alone and not in love. He is addressing he loneliness and how he is not inlove, which is completely different from a real love song.

Journal 16

This quote relates to both Swede in “The Blue Hotel” and the hiker in “To Build a Fire” because both are effected by outside forces and also with their own traits. In “The Blue Hotel” Swede becomes drunk and then loses his temper. He was given the drink by Mr. Scully and then the other character start to let him and Johnny Scully. The other charcter were encouraging them to fight. In the end Swede gets killed. If it weren’t for the outside forces, Swede’s traits, and the weather, which brought them together none of that would of happened. The hiker’s death in “To Build a Fire” was brought on because of nature and his own traits. The cold climate was mainly the reason he deid but alos because of his character. If he would have listened to others around him about going out by himself he probably could have survived.

Journal 15

The overall message is that you souldn’t pressure somebody into doing they might not want to do. It could end in a tradgy.
"But don't you see, dearest," she said, "that it wouldn't have come to this if it hadn't been in the order of Providence? And I call any war glorious that
is for the liberation of people who have been struggling for years against the cruelest oppression.”
"But now it doesn't matter about the how or why. Since the war
has come, all that is gone. There are no two sides any more. There is nothing now but our country."
“But I think we had better emphasize your meaning that if we cannot be one in everything we had better be one in nothing. So I am sending these things for your keeping till you have made up your mind.”

The tactics Editha used are with his feelings by saying that she will not marry him unles he goes to war, she uses new reports and propaganda, and she uses God by saying God meant it to be war.

Editha did have a moment when she truly understood what she did. She now realizes that she sent her husband into war where she could lose him. Editha also realizes that she lost her pride and joy, with also losing her husband from staying home with her. Editha still thinks she did the right thing though. Editha does experience an epiphany. The epiphany occurs when she heard her husband died in war and also when she visit his mother and hears what she had to say.