Emerson’s Aphorism “to be great is to be misunderstood” is saying how we don’t want to be prefect because that doesn’t mean are great. Emerson is completely right in this aphorism. You don’t want to be a person that everybody understands, you want to be a person that is hard to get. This aphorism is completely about not being someone can predict, but being someone that does something without other people excepted it. To be someone that is great doesn’t mean to let every understand you.
Emerson’s Aphorism “in skating over thin ice, our safety is in our speed is saying that if we are in a problem, we should take our time to overcome it. This aphorism is telling us that we take our time in tough situations and not go at them with full speed. Emerson is right with this one. If you want to get out of a situation that still doesn’t mean you can’t think it out and take your time. You should always think about the situation, instead of going at without thought.
Emerson’s Aphorism “all life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better” is telling us that we should try things out, instead of being scared to do things. This aphorism is on the right direction and is completely right. We should risk things instead of doing things we are comfortable with. If you risk things you are making your like more fun and adventurous. The more you make the more memories you will get and more mistakes you will make. The more mistakes you make, will give you more lessons to learn. The more risks you take the better your life will turn out.